Thursday, April 16, 2009

How to Create Backlinks

Learning how to create backlinks can seem like a major battle at first. Here are some basic ideas that will get your page (which has low competition / low search volume keywords), to feature on page 1 of Google.

This information can be found in more detail in this How to Create Backlinks article.
Below is a summary of it.

1. Get the RSS feed from your lens or article or blog and ping it with,,

2. Write more articles with the Keywords in the anchor text linking to that article or blog post.
To create anchor text do this. (a href="") to create backlinks ( /a)
The part to create backlinks is the anchor text that will be clickable. JUST USE <> and not ( ) I just did that as an example above so its not clickable!!

3. Social Bookmark - I have a good deal about how to create backlinks with social bookmarking here.

4. Find forums related to your niche and post there 5 times a day.

5. Submit your url

6. Spy on your competitions websites to find out who is backlinking to who. Then you need to create backlinks to the same sites and more to beat them.

7. Link your blog to your Keyword phrase.

This is a summary of back linking and is really the basics for newbies in affiliate marketing.
Learn more about how to create backlinks or see how a backlinks tool and help you find niche related forums, url submission sites, your competitions backlinks, etc

P.S ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOUR CONTENT IS RELEVANT and that your backlinks to your content is RELEVANT to your niche. THAT COUNTS BIG TIME!

Find out who is backlinking

If you are wanting to find out who is backlinking where, then you can do a sneaky little trick with this backlinks tool. All you gotta do is know your competitions website name, type the FULL url into the browser, select the SPY filter and hit GO. Its that simple. The backlinks tool will return the exact sites that site is getting backlinks from. Its a great way to find out how much work you have to do to beat your competition.
Just a note that if you are new in Affiliate Marketing I wouldn't choose HUGE competition at first since you might not see sales coming in for a while and then get disappointed with all the effort you are making.
Here is more useful information about HOW to create backlinks .

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Affiliate Marketing Tips for Beginners

Are you looking for some HELPFUL, GENUINE Affiliate marketing tips for beginners?

Here are a few that REALLY pointed me in the right direction in Affiliate Marketing, but that also helped DECREASE my frustration online!

1. Don't think online marketing is a way to GET RICH QUICK. It's NOT and you wont make it online if you think like that.

2. Don't spend more than the cost of a Affiliate Marketing course (ONCE OFF OR MONTHLY PAYMENT) - one or 2 E books (FROM A TRUSTED SOURCE) and domain names WHEN STARTING OUT - see below

3.DONT PAY TO advertise at first. (NO PPC)

4.Learn how to use SQUIDOO. Get a free SQUIDOO guide here.

5. Dont just read- Take action and get your pages out there.

6.Be careful of people just trying to sell you something and not actually helping you. Take your time and DONT JUMP THE GUN with get rich quick thinking. (I CANT STRESS THAT POINT ENOUGH!)

7. FOCUS - by that I mean focus on your daily tasks and don't get side tracked.
This one week marketing action plan was that EXACT guide that helped me focus.

8. Count the Cost - not financial cost!

9. Get a GUIDE - You need to find a SOLID, TRIED AND TESTED METHOD for building wealth ONE WEEK AT A TIME. This one week marketing action plan did that for me.


Friday, April 3, 2009

Google NEWS about being indexed fast

Do you know about highlighting your keywords in your title, and intro and body of your title?
This can help you get recognized by Google.

Also repeating the KW twice in the heading is another way to help you being picked up by Google.

For example
Make Money Online - 10 Pointers to Make Money Online that will save your butt!

Can you see how the KW has been used twice in the title?

Off you go now and make some changes to your articles.

MORE ON Learn InsightfulAffiliate Marketing Tips for beginners

Friday, March 27, 2009

No follow and Do follow links

People get into a fuss about do follow and no follow links but I feel that if you have done GOOD keyword research for a low competition keyword then your page should be getting onto page 1 anyway.

In article marketing, your reason for commenting on blogs and forums is to get human traffic that is hungry and ready to see what you have to tell them.If you are convincing enough, you might just get people coming to your page, reading more information WITHIN THAT TOPIC THAT THEY ARE ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT, and then might be interested in taking a look at what you have to offer.

So using your niche keywords you need to find fourms and places where you can make comments. I use a backlinks tool to dig these places up. Note that some / most forums don't allow you to create a signature link straight away. You can after 30 posts or 30 days or so.

Create a signature link that will go to your landing page or article sight. You might get away with direct landing. As long as the page is directly related to what questions you are answering otherwise they will just click off and you will get a bad reputation in the house.

Also make an account with Yahoo Answers and find your niche and post some helpful answers. DONT POST ANY AFFILIATE LINKS. Drive the people to your HELPFUL article. Articles get old but questions are always fresh and if you can help someone they will be more willing to trust you and look at what you have to say.

Find out more about where to create backlinks here.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My CHECKLIST for article marketing

Below is PART of my personal checklist I go through after each article submission. The video sites are separate. I do that after I submit a video.Videos are a great way to get traffic. People like to see more than read - well most people!

Submit RSS to

Feedburner (MY BLOG)

Stumble Upon

My Space




CHECK URL in google

Check for KW’s appearing


I of course then use a backlinks tool to get QUALIFIED traffic and to build PageRank. Backlinks can take time to build so take your time, but this tool helped me to dig up those RELEVANT AND RELATED backlinks. You dont want traffic coming to your page if they are not going to hang around and check out what you gotta say.

P.S I learned most of the tips about backlinks and creating a checklist through a book which I found in this article titled Affiliate Marketing Tips for Beginners.

Backlinking to, digg,com and Yahoo Buzz

Just wanted to give you a bit of info about 3 great social bookmarking sites that have always given me Page 1 on the SERPS. They are
Yahoo Buzz

You will have to create accounts with all 3 of them.
I recommend always submitting your articles, blogs, landing pages to these social bookmarking sights.
Just a note that doesn't like squidoo and is sometimes weary of go articles.
Also only submit one to two links a day to each of them to reduce your risk of being blacklisted for spamming. Yahoo buzz actually only lets me submit 2 stories a day.

If you are into ARTICLE MARKETING, check the posts in this blog for MY CHECKLIST. This is what I use (and adapt from time to time) whenever I submit articles to ensure that my articles get onto Page 1.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What is a good backlinks tool?

Have you been spending countless hours finding backlinks to your landing page or website? Do you even know how to find backlinks? Have you been paying an unreasonable amount of money for a backlinks tool to find you backlinks? Are you just wanting to know what tools are out there to do the backlinking work for you?

I am into bum marketing. This is a new term they use for article marketing. It's so called because people who do it, don't pay to advertise.

So, I was looking for a backlinks tool that:

A: was affordable

B: was easy to use

C: did the job

D: would help increase traffic to landing pages

E: would bring relevant and related traffic


F: would boost my sales

G: would save me time

I like simplicity, efficiency and I like value for money!

I use BackLink Agent

This backlinks tool that I found, has benefited me in the following ways.

1. It's a HUGE time saver.

2. It's DEAD easy to use. (all you do is type in your keyword, choose a filter and hit search. Thousands of backlinks are dug up in a few seconds.)

3. It's helped me tap into where my customers live.(Links related to my keywords are found)

4. It's brought TARGETED and QUALIFIED (customers who are interested in my topic)traffic.(because of quality links)

5. It's IMPROVED my page rank in Google.(through finding me backlinks)

6. It's given me NATURAL SEARCH LISTINGS (so I don't have to pay for adds)

7. It's improved my sales because of reason #3,#4,#5 and #6

8. It's helped me find more affiliate websites

9. It lets me spy on my competition

10. It only cost me 20 bucks!

There is a live Feed on THIS page, if you want to see how the tool works. NO STRINGS ATTACHED!!!

Just TYPE IN your LONG TAILED keyword and hit FIND BACKLINKS.
See what results you get.

How to build backlinks

You want your articles, landing pages,blogs etc to get noticed right?
Thats the whole point isnt it?
To get people reading what you have to say.
But how are you going to do that if no one knows where you are or what you have to say?
You have to make yourself known.
You have to build backlinks and not only that you want to build the best backlinks.

Here are some pointers to build the best backlinks:

1. Find relevant and related backlinks. (eg: do a search for websites related to your content)
2. Find backlinks that are reputable (a higher page rank(PR) will boost your sites page rank)
3. Get a variety of backlinks - from forums, video sites, websites, social bookmarking sites(,, stumble upon, delicious, technorati), social network sites(Facebook, MySpace) You are aiming for volume here
4. Find out where your competition is getting their backlinks - SPY on them!!
5. Build backlinks into directory sights (like DMOZ
6. Get one way backlinks. (You can do reciprocal backlinks but NOT always - you don't want people clicking off your sites)
7. Post comments on blogs - but don't be over promotional
8. Find 5 new forums a week on which to help people (in topics related to your content - check that you can include a signature link in your profile)
9. Get a backlinks tool to find the above backlinks using filters.It will help you find a url/websites, spy on websites, affiliate websites, video sites etc.

Building backlinks is just a matter of getting a link from your webpage onto another website. But, don't go posting your link on sites that are not relevant to your content. You must qualify(check through) the website to see if it is somehow related to your content. Please leave a comment if you need any more help or details regarding this topic.

What are backlinks? - Basics for Newbies

Whether you create a websight, landing page or post articles you want the search engines to recognize them right?
So you want to get people reading and listening to what you have to say.
Well your site/s or web page/s are not going to be recognized or indexed without you doing some major work.
You have to get some connections or some links coming to your web page from different places.
That's what backlinks are. They are links from other websites to your website.

Points about backlinks:

* They are mostly free but some are paid.(At this stage I pay for NONE!)
* They can be one way links or reciprocal links (if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours kinda thing!)
* They can be found manually (timely) or with a backlinks tool (efficient)
* They can come from regular websites, forums, social bookmarking sites, social networking sights,article directories,blogs,blog commenting, article commenting,online directories (DMOZ), video sights, Q&A sites(Yahoo!Answers)
* There are follow and no follow backlinks (check another post on this one)
* There are free, paid, cheap, expensive and VERY expensive backlinks tools on the market that help you build backlinks.

I am just touching the surface and answering a question that people OFTEN ask me.
Please check this on HOW TO CREATE BACKLINKS if you want more basics or another post called How to BUILD BACKLINKS